Sunday, March 30, 2014

22 weeks!

I was 22 weeks on Friday and can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going by! Eric and I cannot wait to meet our sweet baby boy! 

How far along? 22 weeks 
How big is he? Size of a papaya (about 12/13 oz) 
Best moment of the week- The baby has really started kicking more & more & I could even see my stomach move! 
Trouble sleeping? No 
Miss anything? I am starting to wonder what it was like to have a flat stomach.. 
Movement? Yes! 
Food cravings? No not really
Belly button in or out? It is in, but the struggle of it staying in is real. It will soon be an outtie.
Symptoms? No symptoms... Just been occasionally having some sort of hot flashes & getting light headed. 
Wedding ring on/off? On 
Happy/Moody? Little more sensitive to things these days 
Looking forward to? Getting the nursery together! 

Here is a 22 week picture: 

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