Can't believe I am already 19 weeks! I don't know if it is because I have been so busy this pregnancy or if it is because I have had such an easy pregnancy so far... But every time my next doctor appointment approaches I get this weird feeling of anxiety that I will get some sort of bad news at my check up. Has any one else ever felt this way? I think I just need to get over it because sometimes it causes me to not be excited to go to the doctor but a little nervous/scared. Don't know what my deal is.. Anyway here is my 19 week update! I will be 19 weeks March 7 but I will be in Denver that day and through the weekend so I thought I would blog a little early-
How far along? 19 weeks
How big is he/she? Size of a mango
Best moment of the week- getting our invitations/decorations in for our gender reveal party! Oh and thinking we may finally have a boys name we both agree on.
Trouble sleeping? No
Miss anything? Not yet..
Movement? Don't think so.. Doctor said I probably won't until around 22 weeks but there are times I think I feel a little flutter!
Food craving- one day I craved popcorn and the next Popsicles and then never again. So nothing consistent.
Belly button in or out? In
Symptoms? No
Wedding ring on/off? On
Happy/Moody? Maybe still a little moody but getting better!
Looking forward to? Having a sonogram on Tuesday and then of course finding out if we are having a boy or girl at our gender reveal party March 15th... Can't wait!!
Here is a photo of our Gender Reveal invitations.. Love them!