Friday, June 20, 2014

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks
How big is he?  Size of a cantelope! 
Best moment of the week- getting our bedding and some decor for the nursery in the mail! Ready to see it all come together. 
Trouble sleeping? Off and on, some nights I sleep really well and others I am constantly going to the bathroom and can't shut off my brain. 
Miss anything?  Lately, mostly wearing my wedding ring. 
Movement? Yes, you can tell he is getting so much bigger because it's slower movement and more rolling of the shoulders and elbows!
Food cravings? Ice water!! It has to have ice though or I don't want it. I have even wanted cups of crushed ice to eat, which is weird because my mom always said the only thing she craved was ice chips!
Belly button in or out? Mostly outie, not all the way though. 
Symptoms? Swollen and my back really hurts after doing anything "active" and being on my feet.  
Happy/Moody? Little moody, all is good though!
Looking forward to? Looking forward to my baby shower and our next sonogram in a couple weeks! 

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