First of all- Eric and I went down to Dallas for Luke's 2nd Birthday. I can't even tell you how excited I get to see Brent and his family. It's just not right living away from your brother, sister-in-law and your precious nephews. Luke LOVES fire trucks and any other form of public transportation, so Brent and Julie were able to get a real fire truck to their house for all of the kids to see and go inside! All of his pictures are on my real camera but I did get a couple on my phone of the boys and everyone else that weekend.
Those boys are the sweetest things ever. They have set the bar pretty high in cuteness & how well they behave.. Let's hope Nathan can take after his older cousins!
Here is one of Eric and I that weekend.. I consider this my 28 week bump picture!
We have been working on getting the nursery all together and even though we are still missing some things- here is the progress so far!
We put up some new blinds.. The other ones were super cheap and broken. I think it really helps make the room more cozy. I am thinking we will eventually put a valance above the windows but it isn't a priority right now.
And yes I do find it ridiculous that Nathan has a huge flat screen in his nursery but we had it in our guest bedroom and never used it so we figured it might be nice to watch a little tv during our midnight/early morning feedings or if we just wanna rock our sweet boy in his room :)
I am going to go ahead and do my 31 week update... I can't believe we only have 9 weeks to go. As of June 1st we are 2 months away from meeting our precious baby boy!!
Here is my 31 week picture-
How far along? 31 weeks
How big is he? One website says coconut another says a pineapple. Either way he is a little over 3 pounds.
Best moment of the week- being done with school for the summer and getting the PE job at Bonham.. Wahoo!
Trouble sleeping? No trouble sleeping at all, I do wake up at least once a night to use the restroom though.
Miss anything? Definitely regular clothes.. I have a feeling this won't go away. Oh and my wedding ring fitting like it use to :(
Movement? Yes he is active all of the time! I love to watch my stomach move. Sometimes I wonder what he is thinking when he is practically doing flips in my stomach?
Food cravings? No cravings really. Either things sound good to me or they sound horrible.. That's about it though.
Belly button in or out? Still not a full outie, it's struggling though.
Symptoms? Swollen and really beginning to enter that overall uncomfortable stage.
Wedding ring on/off? On but not for long.
Happy/Moody? Relatively happy!
Looking forward to? My baby shower in about a month and getting the nursery all ready to go! Also, counting down the days until we get out next/last sonogram!