Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1 month update

Where has August gone? I cannot believe we are two days into September already & I officially have a 1 month old son! Every day it seems like it gets a little easier but there is always something that pops up or that he does that reminds me that even though things may be easier, I don't always have the answer. It is definitely a learning and growing experience that we are all getting the hang of one day at a time. 

Here are some things Nathan is doing: 
He LOVES to eat. I mean what baby doesn't but I think he would eat all day if we let him. 

He really loves his mamaroo except from the hours between 3pm-7 or 7:30pm.. He wants to be held during this time and is more fussy around this time of day. 

He started sleeping in his crib in his own room around a week and a half old and he has been great. He sleeps about 4 hours between feedings at night & I didn't realize how great it would feel to put him into bed and then go to bed in our room without him. I mean it just makes things feel a little more normal & helps me to sleep better also! 

He absolutely loves to sleep on our chest on his stomach. He doesn't even wake up to eat when he is sleeping like this.. It's so sweet to see him curled up on his tummy & cuddling. 

He also really enjoys riding in the car and being in his car seat when he is being carried to and from the car. He could be throwing a fit and the second you pick him up in his car seat he stops. 

He also tends to have this frown on his face that just cracks me up. He looks so mad/confused/not impressed with anything! 

I have taken so many pictures of our little guy and even though some are posted on Instagram/Facebook... I have tried to keep picture overload to a minimum but it is so hard!! Here are some pictures of him starting with older pictures of him and then the most recent ones. 

My volleyball girls took a picture with him.. Such a ladies man already! 

Eric and I got to go out with friends one Friday night while my parents watched Nathan.. It was much needed and we so appreciate them offering to keep him! 

Here are a couple other sweet pictures of Nathan in his bow tie and suspenders onesie and then of course him supporting his Sooners on game day! 

Here he is in this cute little Under Armour onesie that my mom got him.. I think he looks so much older in it! 
Oh and here is a classic... 

Haha poor buddy... Can't help but to laugh a little though! 

Happy One Month to my big boy!! You are so sweet and fun and are changing every day! We love you!!