Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Wow.. I truly can't believe that after 9 months, I am officially a mom & have met my son. Such a surreal thing. It's so hard to believe that he started off the size of my pinky nail at one point. I realize everyone has their own spiritual and religious beliefs but I refuse to think that you can be a parent and not believe that there is a God. It is truly a miracle! 

Nathan was born on Saturday at 6:24pm, was 7lbs & 21 inches long. 
The nurses weren't able to start the induction process until 10:15 Friday night & to me, the entire thing went by quick and relatively easy! 

I really love being at home & getting into our own routine. I feel like I was well prepared for everything to expect during & after birth by my good friends & sister-in-law. However, the one thing I was completely caught off guard by was the extreme emotion I felt our first night home. I just cried and cried about how much I loved him. It was such an overwhelming feeling.. Maybe no one warned me about this because I am crazy & no one else experienced that :) 

The cliche's are true though.. I never knew I could love someone this much. 

Here are some pictures of my sweet baby boy!