Monday, January 27, 2014

Long time no blog..

I can't believe how hard a blog is for me to keep up with! A lot has been happening with us so I figured it was a perfect time for an update. I know I blogged about my new job at Bonham Middle School in August and I can't believe I am into my second semester as a teacher/coach. It has been full of ups and downs but it has been an absolute blast. I coached the 7th and 8th grade Gold volleyball teams and my 7th graders WON City and my 8th graders got 2nd... If you ask me, it was a very successful first year as a coach. I am now onto basketball and that is a whole different story! I have really been challenged as far as knowing everything there is to know about different plays, when to call time outs, practice drills.. etc. I did play basketball at one point in my life but geez that was a LONG time ago. I am coaching the 7th grade Silver basketball team and we have a pretty decent shot at making it all the way to the City Championship which is awesome. Having such a fun, hard working group of girls to coach definitely makes the stress of re-learning basketball SO worth it. Plus, our head basketball coach knows everything there is to know and has been SUCH a big help! 

Also, I cant forget the fact that since our last blog post Eric and I found out some pretty awesome news. In late Octorber/early November we found out we are expecting! I am due August 1st and can't explain how excited/nervous/is this real life? We are! 

I have decided to do those fun little updates so that I can eventually look back and remember these calm/exciting times before the craziness begins! 

How far along? 13 weeks!

How big is he/she this week? 3 inches or the size of a pea pod.

Best Moment of the Week?  Friday night, we we were able to go to dinner with my parents and my brother and his kids and then to see Lone Survivor.

Trouble Sleeping?  There for a while I was waking up often but I have been sleeping like a baby since Christmas :)

Miss Anything? Energy!!!!

Movement? Not yet.

Food Cravings? No cravings, but when I was nauseous for a little while, bean and cheese burritos from Rosas or Taco Villa were always good to me! 

Belly Button - In or Out? In

Symptoms?  Nothing big. Just a little nauseous (mainly before Christmas), no energy and headaches

Wedding Ring - Off or on? On

Happy or Moody? I think I may be pretty moody.... but then again I think I was moody before I got pregnant? :)

Looking Forward to? Being just a little bigger so I dont feel like I have a gut and of course finding out if we will have a boy or girl!
We had a sonogram at 8 weeks and then at our second appointment (12 weeks) we were able to hear the heartbeat which was 162 beats per minute :) 
I can't believe we are actually about to start this very exciting journey but ready or not.. Here we go!